# This file was generated by WPML # WPML is a WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress or WordPressMU site into a full featured multilingual content management system. # https://wpml.org msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Project-Id-Version:WPML_EXPORT\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language:en\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" # // translators: %s Product name # $headingHTML = self::getHeadingHTML( __( 'You are using an unregistered version of %s and are not receiving compatibility and security updates', 'installer' ) ); # // translators: %s Product name msgid "You are using an unregistered version of %s and are not receiving compatibility and security updates" msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product name # $bodyHTML = self::getBodyHTML( __( '%s plugin must be registered in order to receive stability and security updates. Without these updates, the plugin may become incompatible with new versions of WordPress, which include security patches.', 'installer' ) ) . # self::inButtonAreaHTML( self::getNotRegisteredButtons() ) . msgid "%s plugin must be registered in order to receive stability and security updates. Without these updates, the plugin may become incompatible with new versions of WordPress, which include security patches." msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product name # $headingHTML = self::getHeadingHTML( __( 'You are using an expired %s account.', 'installer' ) ); # // translators: %s Product name msgid "You are using an expired %s account." msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product name # $bodyHTML = self::getBodyHTML( __( "Your site is using an expired %s account, which means you won't receive updates. This can lead to stability and security issues.", 'installer' ) ) . # self::inButtonAreaHTML( self::getExpiredButtons() ) . msgid "Your site is using an expired %s account, which means you won't receive updates. This can lead to stability and security issues." msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product url # $headingHTML = '

' . esc_html( sprintf( __( 'This site is registered on %s as a development site.', 'installer' ), static::$productURL ) ) . '

'; # // translators: %1$s is the text "update the site key" inside a link and %2$s is the text "Learn more" inside a link msgid "This site is registered on %s as a development site." msgstr "" # $bodyText, # self::getPublishLinkHTML( __( 'update the site key', 'installer' ) ), # self::getLearnMoveDevKeysLinkHTML( __( 'Learn more', 'installer' ) ) msgid "update the site key" msgstr "" # self::getPublishLinkHTML( __( 'update the site key', 'installer' ) ), # self::getLearnMoveDevKeysLinkHTML( __( 'Learn more', 'installer' ) ) # ) . '

'; msgid "Learn more" msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product name # $headingHTML = self::getHeadingHTML( __( 'Remember to remove %s from this website', 'installer' ) ); # // translators: %s Product name msgid "Remember to remove %s from this website" msgstr "" # // translators: %s Product name # $body = self::getBodyHTML( __( 'This site is using the %s plugin, which has not been paid for. After receiving a refund, you should remove this plugin from your sites. Using unregistered plugins means you are not receiving stability and security updates and will ultimately lead to problems running the site.', 'installer' ) ) . # self::inButtonAreaHTML( self::getRefundedButtons() ); msgid "This site is using the %s plugin, which has not been paid for. After receiving a refund, you should remove this plugin from your sites. Using unregistered plugins means you are not receiving stability and security updates and will ultimately lead to problems running the site." msgstr "" # // translators: %1$s Product name %2$s host name (ex. wpml.org) # $headingHTML = self::getConnectionIssueHeadingHTML( __( '%1$s plugin cannot connect to %2$s', 'installer' ) ); # msgid "%1$s plugin cannot connect to %2$s" msgstr "" # // translators: %1$s Product name %2$s host name (ex. wpml.org) # $body = self::getConnectionIssueBodyHTML( __( '%1$s needs to connect to its server to check for new releases and security updates. Something in the network or security settings is preventing this. Please allow outgoing communication to %2$s to remove this notice.', 'installer' ) ) . # self::inLinksAreaHTML( msgid "%1$s needs to connect to its server to check for new releases and security updates. Something in the network or security settings is preventing this. Please allow outgoing communication to %2$s to remove this notice." msgstr "" # self::inLinksAreaHTML( # __( 'Need help?', 'installer' ), # // translators: %1$s is `communication error details` %2$s is ex. wpml.org technical support msgid "Need help?" msgstr "" # // translators: %1$s is `communication error details` %2$s is ex. wpml.org technical support # __( 'See the %1$s and let us know in %2$s.', 'installer' ), # self::getCommunicationDetailsLinkHTML( __( 'communication error details', 'installer' ) ), msgid "See the %1$s and let us know in %2$s." msgstr "" # __( 'See the %1$s and let us know in %2$s.', 'installer' ), # self::getCommunicationDetailsLinkHTML( __( 'communication error details', 'installer' ) ), # // translators: %s is host name (ex. wpml.org) msgid "communication error details" msgstr "" # // translators: %s is host name (ex. wpml.org) # self::getSupportLinkHTML( __( '%s technical support', 'installer' ) ) # ); msgid "%s technical support" msgstr "" # $body_text = sprintf( # __( 'Please install %s to allow translating %s.', 'installer' ), # strip_tags( $parameters['glue_plugin_name'] ), msgid "Please install %s to allow translating %s." msgstr "" # sprintf( # __( 'Site Moved or Copied - %s require your action', 'installer' ), # esc_html( static::$product ) msgid "Site Moved or Copied - %s require your action" msgstr "" # # $installButton = __( "Install and activate", 'installer' ); # $dismiss = __( "Ignore and don't ask me again", 'installer' ); msgid "Install and activate" msgstr "" # $installButton = __( "Install and activate", 'installer' ); # $dismiss = __( "Ignore and don't ask me again", 'installer' ); # msgid "Ignore and don't ask me again" msgstr "" # $registerUrl = \WP_Installer::menu_url(); # $register = __( 'Register', 'installer' ); # $stagingSite = __( 'This is a development / staging site', 'installer' ); msgid "Register" msgstr "" # $register = __( 'Register', 'installer' ); # $stagingSite = __( 'This is a development / staging site', 'installer' ); # msgid "This is a development / staging site" msgstr "" # $checkOrderStatusUrl = \WP_Installer::menu_url() . '&validate_repository=' . static::$repo; # $accountButton = __( 'Extend your subscription', 'installer' ); # $checkButton = __( 'Check my order status', 'installer' ); msgid "Extend your subscription" msgstr "" # $accountButton = __( 'Extend your subscription', 'installer' ); # $checkButton = __( 'Check my order status', 'installer' ); # $statusText = __( 'Got renewal already?', 'installer' ); msgid "Check my order status" msgstr "" # $checkButton = __( 'Check my order status', 'installer' ); # $statusText = __( 'Got renewal already?', 'installer' ); # $productUrl = \WP_Installer::instance()->get_product_data( static::$repo, 'url' ); msgid "Got renewal already?" msgstr "" # $checkButton = __( 'Check my order status', 'installer' ); # $status = __( 'Bought again?', 'installer' ); # msgid "Bought again?" msgstr "" # private static function getSiteUrlChangedActionSelection( $style ) { # return '

' . __( 'It looks like this site is a copy of a different site, or it has moved to a different URL.', 'installer' ) . '

msgid "It looks like this site is a copy of a different site, or it has moved to a different URL." msgstr "" # # ' . esc_html( __( 'I moved the site to this new URL', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "I moved the site to this new URL" msgstr "" # # ' . esc_html( __( 'This is a copy of my original site', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "This is a copy of my original site" msgstr "" # ' . esc_html( __( 'Next', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "Next" msgstr "" # # ' . esc_html( __( 'More details', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "More details" msgstr "" # if ( $subscription->get_site_key_type() === \OTGS_Installer_Subscription::SITE_KEY_TYPE_DEVELOPMENT ) { # $isDevelopStep = '

' . __( 'Is this still a development site?', 'installer' ) . '

msgid "Is this still a development site?" msgstr "" # # ' . esc_html( __( 'Yes', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "Yes" msgstr "" # # ' . esc_html( __( 'No', 'installer' ) ) . ' # msgid "No" msgstr "" # ); # $isDevelopStep = '

' . sprintf( __( 'Please update the URL of currently used site key %1$sin your account%2$s.', 'installer' ), # '', msgid "Please update the URL of currently used site key %1$sin your account%2$s." msgstr "" # $siteKeyRegistration = sprintf( # __( 'Enter the site key for %1$s.', 'installer' ), # str_replace( [ 'https://', 'http://' ], '', $actualSiteUrl ) msgid "Enter the site key for %1$s." msgstr "" # $getASiteKey = sprintf( # __( '%1$sGet a key for this site%2$s', 'installer' ), # '' # . '' # . $getASiteKey msgid "Save" msgstr "" # $text = sprintf( # __( 'Please update your site key\'s URL and set it as a production site %1$sin your account%2$s.', 'installer' ), # '', msgid "Please update your site key's URL and set it as a production site %1$sin your account%2$s." msgstr "" # $text = sprintf( # __( 'Please update your site key\'s URL %1$sin your account%2$s.', 'installer' ), # '', msgid "Please update your site key's URL %1$sin your account%2$s." msgstr "" # // translators: %1$s is the text "update the site key" inside a link and %2$s is the text "Learn more" inside a link # $bodyText = esc_html__( 'When this site goes live, remember to %1$s from "development" to "production" to remove this message. %2$s', 'installer' ); # $bodyHTML = '

' . sprintf( msgid "When this site goes live, remember to %1$s from \"development\" to \"production\" to remove this message. %2$s" msgstr "" # return '' # . '' . esc_html__( 'Dismiss', 'installer' ) . ''; # } msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "" # if ( OTGS_Installer()->plugin_is_embedded_version( $download['name'], $download['slug'] ) ) { # $upToDateClass .= ' ' . __( '(embedded)', 'installer' ); # } msgid "(embedded)" msgstr "" # # ' . __( 'installing...', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'updating...', 'installer' ) . ' msgid "installing..." msgstr "" # ' . __( 'installing...', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'updating...', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'installed', 'installer' ) . ' msgid "updating..." msgstr "" # ' . __( 'updating...', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'installed', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'updated', 'installer' ) . ' msgid "failed!" msgstr "" # ' . __( 'updating...', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'installed', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'updated', 'installer' ) . ' msgid "installed" msgstr "" # ' . __( 'installed', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'updated', 'installer' ) . ' # msgid "updated" msgstr "" # # ' . __( 'activating', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'activated', 'installer' ) . ' msgid "activating" msgstr "" # ' . __( 'activating', 'installer' ) . ' # ' . __( 'activated', 'installer' ) . ' # msgid "activated" msgstr "" # if ( ! empty( $download['release-notes'] ) ) { # $releaseNotes = '' . esc_html__( 'Release notes', 'installer' ) . ''; # msgid "Release notes" msgstr "" # private function handle_product_parsing_error( $products_url, $product_id ) { # $error = sprintf( __( 'Information about versions of %s are invalid. It may be a temporary communication problem, please check for updates again.', 'installer' ), $product_id ); # $this->store_log( $products_url, $error ); msgid "Information about versions of %s are invalid. It may be a temporary communication problem, please check for updates again." msgstr "" # } else { # $error = __( 'Invalid site key for the current site.', 'installer' ) . '

' . __( 'Please note that the site key is case sensitive.', 'installer' ) . '
'; # } msgid "Invalid site key for the current site." msgstr "" # } else { # $error = __( 'Invalid site key for the current site.', 'installer' ) . '
' . __( 'Please note that the site key is case sensitive.', 'installer' ) . '
'; # } msgid "Please note that the site key is case sensitive." msgstr "" # $repository_data->set_subscription( null ); # $error = __( 'Invalid site key for the current site. If the error persists, try to un-register first and then register again with the same site key.', 'installer' ); # } msgid "Invalid site key for the current site. If the error persists, try to un-register first and then register again with the same site key." msgstr "" # if ( preg_match( '#Could not resolve host: (.*)#', $error, $matches ) || preg_match( '#Couldn\'t resolve host \'(.*)\'#', $error, $matches ) ) { # $error = sprintf( __( "%s cannot access %s to register. Try again to see if it's a temporary problem. If the problem continues, make sure that this site has access to the Internet. You can still use the plugin without registration, but you will not receive automated updates.", 'installer' ), # '' . $repository_data->get_product_name() . '', msgid "%s cannot access %s to register. Try again to see if it's a temporary problem. If the problem continues, make sure that this site has access to the Internet. You can still use the plugin without registration, but you will not receive automated updates." msgstr "" # if ( ! $site_key ) { # wp_send_json_success( [ 'error' => esc_html__( 'Empty site key!', 'installer' ) ] ); # return; msgid "Empty site key!" msgstr "" # if ( ! $repository || ! $nonce || ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'save_site_key_' . $repository ) ) { # wp_send_json_success( [ 'error' => esc_html__( 'Invalid request!', 'installer' ) ] ); # return; msgid "Invalid request!" msgstr "" # 'commercial', # __( 'Installer Support', 'installer' ), # 'Installer Support', msgid "Installer Support" msgstr "" # 'title' => __( 'Installer Support', 'installer' ), # 'content' => __( 'For retrieving Installer debug information use the %s page.', 'installer' ), # 'link' => array( msgid "For retrieving Installer debug information use the %s page." msgstr "" # 'log' => array( # 'title' => __( 'Installer Log', 'installer' ), # 'request_url' => __( 'Request URL', 'installer' ), msgid "Installer Log" msgstr "" # 'title' => __( 'Installer Log', 'installer' ), # 'request_url' => __( 'Request URL', 'installer' ), # 'request_arguments' => __( 'Request Arguments', 'installer' ), msgid "Request URL" msgstr "" # 'request_url' => __( 'Request URL', 'installer' ), # 'request_arguments' => __( 'Request Arguments', 'installer' ), # 'response' => __( 'Response', 'installer' ), msgid "Request Arguments" msgstr "" # 'request_arguments' => __( 'Request Arguments', 'installer' ), # 'response' => __( 'Response', 'installer' ), # 'component' => __( 'Component', 'installer' ), msgid "Response" msgstr "" # 'response' => __( 'Response', 'installer' ), # 'component' => __( 'Component', 'installer' ), # 'time' => __( 'Time', 'installer' ), msgid "Component" msgstr "" # 'component' => __( 'Component', 'installer' ), # 'time' => __( 'Time', 'installer' ), # 'empty_log' => __( 'Log is empty', 'installer' ), msgid "Time" msgstr "" # 'time' => __( 'Time', 'installer' ), # 'empty_log' => __( 'Log is empty', 'installer' ), # ), msgid "Log is empty" msgstr "" # 'tester' => array( # 'title' => __( 'Installer System Status', 'installer' ), # 'button_label' => __( 'Check Now', 'installer' ), msgid "Installer System Status" msgstr "" # 'title' => __( 'Installer System Status', 'installer' ), # 'button_label' => __( 'Check Now', 'installer' ), # ), msgid "Check Now" msgstr "" # 'requirements' => array( # 'title' => __( 'Required PHP Libraries', 'installer' ), # ), msgid "Required PHP Libraries" msgstr "" # 'instances' => array( # 'title' => __( 'All Installer Instances', 'installer' ), # 'path' => __( 'Path', 'installer' ), msgid "All Installer Instances" msgstr "" # 'title' => __( 'All Installer Instances', 'installer' ), # 'path' => __( 'Path', 'installer' ), # 'version' => __( 'Version', 'installer' ), msgid "Path" msgstr "" # 'path' => __( 'Path', 'installer' ), # 'version' => __( 'Version', 'installer' ), # 'high_priority' => __( 'High priority', 'installer' ), msgid "Version" msgstr "" # 'version' => __( 'Version', 'installer' ), # 'high_priority' => __( 'High priority', 'installer' ), # 'delegated' => __( 'Delegated', 'installer' ), msgid "High priority" msgstr "" # 'high_priority' => __( 'High priority', 'installer' ), # 'delegated' => __( 'Delegated', 'installer' ), # ), msgid "Delegated" msgstr "" # 'type' => 'api', # 'description' => __( 'WPML API server', 'installer' ) # ), msgid "WPML API server" msgstr "" # 'type' => 'api', # 'description' => __( 'Toolset API server', 'installer' ) # ), msgid "Toolset API server" msgstr "" # $linkText = __( 'Register', 'installer' ); # $text = __( ' to use auto-updates', 'installer' ); # msgid " to use auto-updates" msgstr "" # public function win_paths_exception_message() { # return __( 'Downloading is not possible. WordPress cannot create required folders because of the # 256 characters limitation of the current Windows environment.', 'installer' ); msgid "Downloading is not possible. WordPress cannot create required folders because of the\n 256 characters limitation of the current Windows environment." msgstr "" # echo '

' . __( 'Update Plugin' ) . '

'; # echo '' . __( 'Return to the updates page', 'installer' ) . ''; # echo '
'; msgid "Return to the updates page" msgstr "" # $installer_doc_url = 'https://wpml.org/?p=72674#automated-updates'; # $installer_doc_link = '' . __( 'OTGS Installer', 'installer' ) . ''; # msgid "OTGS Installer" msgstr "" # echo sprintf( # __( '%s, responsible for receiving automated updates for WPML and Toolset, requires the following PHP component(s) in order to function:', 'installer' ), # $installer_doc_link msgid "%s, responsible for receiving automated updates for WPML and Toolset, requires the following PHP component(s) in order to function:" msgstr "" # $minimum_requirements_link = '' . __( 'Minimum WPML requirements' ) . ''; # echo '

' . sprintf( __( 'Learn more: %s', 'installer' ), $minimum_requirements_link ) . '

'; # msgid "Learn more: %s" msgstr "" # $theme_repo_name = $this->installer_theme_get_repo_product_name( $frontend_tab_selected );; # $response['unregistered_messages'] = sprintf( __( 'To install and update %s, please %sregister%s %s for this site.', 'installer' ), # $theme_repo_name, '', '', $theme_repo_name ); msgid "To install and update %s, please %sregister%s %s for this site." msgstr "" # if ( ! $credentials ) { # $message = __( 'We were not able to copy some plugin files. This is usually due to issues with permissions for WordPress content or plugins folder.', 'installer' ); # $this->error( new WP_Error( 'files_not_writable', $message, $context ) ); msgid "We were not able to copy some plugin files. This is usually due to issues with permissions for WordPress content or plugins folder." msgstr "" # $message = $this->prepareMessage( # __( 'You are using an expired account of %s. %sExtend your subscription%s', 'installer' ), # $notice['product'], msgid "You are using an expired account of %s. %sExtend your subscription%s" msgstr "" # $message = $this->prepareMessage( # __( 'Remember to remove %s from this website. %sCheck my order status%s', 'installer' ), # $notice['product'], msgid "Remember to remove %s from this website. %sCheck my order status%s" msgstr "" # $message = sprintf( # __( 'You have an old Types-free subscription, which doesn\'t provide automatic updates. %sUpgrade your account%s', 'installer' ), # '', msgid "You have an old Types-free subscription, which doesn't provide automatic updates. %sUpgrade your account%s" msgstr "" # $message = $this->prepareMessage( # __( 'You are using an unregistered version of %s and are not receiving compatibility and security updates. %sRegister now%s', 'installer' ), # $notice['product'], msgid "You are using an unregistered version of %s and are not receiving compatibility and security updates. %sRegister now%s" msgstr "" # 'strings' => array( # 'valid_subscription' => sprintf( __( 'You are using the complementary %1$s. For the %2$s, %3$s.', 'installer' ), # $plugin_name, '' . __( 'complete set of features', 'installer' ) . '', '' . __( 'upgrade to Toolset', 'installer' ) . '' ), msgid "You are using the complementary %1$s. For the %2$s, %3$s." msgstr "" # 'valid_subscription' => sprintf( __( 'You are using the complementary %1$s. For the %2$s, %3$s.', 'installer' ), # $plugin_name, '' . __( 'complete set of features', 'installer' ) . '', '' . __( 'upgrade to Toolset', 'installer' ) . '' ), # ), msgid "complete set of features" msgstr "" # 'valid_subscription' => sprintf( __( 'You are using the complementary %1$s. For the %2$s, %3$s.', 'installer' ), # $plugin_name, '' . __( 'complete set of features', 'installer' ) . '', '' . __( 'upgrade to Toolset', 'installer' ) . '' ), # ), msgid "upgrade to Toolset" msgstr "" # 'strings' => array( # 'heading' => __( 'Reporting to', 'installer' ), # 'report_to' => __( 'Report to', 'installer' ), msgid "Reporting to" msgstr "" # 'heading' => __( 'Reporting to', 'installer' ), # 'report_to' => __( 'Report to', 'installer' ), # 'radio_report_yes' => __( 'Send theme and plugins information, in order to get faster support and compatibility alerts', msgid "Report to" msgstr "" # 'report_to' => __( 'Report to', 'installer' ), # 'radio_report_yes' => __( 'Send theme and plugins information, in order to get faster support and compatibility alerts', # 'installer' ), msgid "Send theme and plugins information, in order to get faster support and compatibility alerts" msgstr "" # 'installer' ), # 'radio_report_no' => __( "Don't send this information and skip compatibility alerts", # 'installer' ), msgid "Don't send this information and skip compatibility alerts" msgstr "" # 'installer' ), # 'which_theme_and_plugins' => __( 'which theme and plugins you are using.', 'installer' ), # ), msgid "which theme and plugins you are using." msgstr "" # 'use_radio' => false, # 'privacy_policy_text' => __( 'Privacy and data usage policy', 'installer' ), # 'plugin_site' => null, msgid "Privacy and data usage policy" msgstr "" # if ( self::CHANNEL_DEVELOPMENT === $id ) { # $channel = __( 'Development', 'installer' ); # } elseif ( self::CHANNEL_BETA === $id ) { msgid "Development" msgstr "" # } elseif ( self::CHANNEL_BETA === $id ) { # $channel = __( 'Beta', 'installer' ); # } else { msgid "Beta" msgstr "" # } else { # $channel = __( 'Production', 'installer' ); # } msgid "Production" msgstr "" # $translation_array = array( # 'installing' => __( 'Installing %s', 'installer' ), # 'updating' => __( 'Updating %s', 'installer' ), msgid "Installing %s" msgstr "" # 'installing' => __( 'Installing %s', 'installer' ), # 'updating' => __( 'Updating %s', 'installer' ), # 'activating' => __( 'Activating %s', 'installer' ) msgid "Updating %s" msgstr "" # 'updating' => __( 'Updating %s', 'installer' ), # 'activating' => __( 'Activating %s', 'installer' ) # ); msgid "Activating %s" msgstr "" # add_options_page( # __( 'Installer', 'installer' ), # __( 'Installer', 'installer' ), msgid "Installer" msgstr "" # public function types_upgrade_link( $links ) { # $links[] = '' . __( 'Upgrade', 'installer' ) . ''; # return $links; msgid "Upgrade" msgstr "" # public function plugins_action_links_registered( $links ) { # $links[] = '' . __( 'Registered', 'installer' ) . ''; # msgid "Registered" msgstr "" # 'type' => 'error', # 'text' => sprintf( __( 'You are using an invalid site key defined as the constant %s (most likely in wp-config.php). # Please remove it or use the correct value in order to be able to register correctly.', 'installer' ), 'OTGS_INSTALLER_SITE_KEY_' . strtoupper( $repository_id ) ) msgid "You are using an invalid site key defined as the constant %s (most likely in wp-config.php).\n Please remove it or use the correct value in order to be able to register correctly." msgstr "" # # $tabs['commercial'] = __( 'Commercial', 'installer' ); # msgid "Commercial" msgstr "" # # $error = sprintf( __( "Installer cannot display the products information because the automatic updating for %s was explicitly disabled with the configuration below (usually in wp-config.php):", 'installer' ), strtoupper( join( ', ', $repository_names ) ) ); # $error .= '


'; msgid "Installer cannot display the products information because the automatic updating for %s was explicitly disabled with the configuration below (usually in wp-config.php):" msgstr "" # $error .= '


'; # $error .= sprintf( __( "In order to see the products information, please run the %smanual updates check%s to initialize the products list or (temporarily) remove the above code.", 'installer' ), '', '' ); # msgid "In order to see the products information, please run the %smanual updates check%s to initialize the products list or (temporarily) remove the above code." msgstr "" # if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { # $error = sprintf( __( "Installer cannot contact our updates server to get information about the available products and check for new versions. If you are seeing this message for the first time, you can ignore it, as it may be a temporary communication problem. If the problem persists and your WordPress admin is slowing down, you can disable automated version checks. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:", 'installer' ), strtoupper( $repository_id ) ); # $error .= '

define("OTGS_DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATES", true);'; msgid "Installer cannot contact our updates server to get information about the available products and check for new versions. If you are seeing this message for the first time, you can ignore it, as it may be a temporary communication problem. If the problem persists and your WordPress admin is slowing down, you can disable automated version checks. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:" msgstr "" # ); # $error = __( "Information about new versions is invalid. It may be a temporary communication problem, please check for updates again.", 'installer' ); # $this->register_admin_message( $error, 'error' ); msgid "Information about new versions is invalid. It may be a temporary communication problem, please check for updates again." msgstr "" # if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { # wp_die( __('Sorry, you are not allowed to manage Installer for this site.', 'installer' )); # return; msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to manage Installer for this site." msgstr "" # # echo '

' . __( 'No repositories defined.', 'installer' ) . '

'; # msgid "No repositories defined." msgstr "" # if ( preg_match( '#Could not resolve host: (.*)#', $error, $matches ) || preg_match( '#Couldn\'t resolve host \'(.*)\'#', $error, $matches ) ) { # $error = sprintf( __( "%s cannot access %s to register. Try again to see if it's a temporary problem. If the problem continues, make sure that this site has access to the Internet.", 'installer' ), # '' . $this->get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ) . '', msgid "%s cannot access %s to register. Try again to see if it's a temporary problem. If the problem continues, make sure that this site has access to the Internet." msgstr "" # $days = 30; # $message = __( 'You will have to renew your subscription in order to continue getting the updates and support.', 'installer' ); # msgid "You will have to renew your subscription in order to continue getting the updates and support." msgstr "" # echo $this->_plugins_renew_warnings[ $plugin_file ] . ' '; # printf( __( '%sRenew here%s.', 'installer' ), # '', '' ); msgid "%sRenew here%s." msgstr "" # $ret = false; # $message = sprintf( __( 'Connection failed! Please refresh the page and try again. (%s)', 'installer' ), '' . $connection_error . '' ); # } else { //subscription not valid msgid "Connection failed! Please refresh the page and try again. (%s)" msgstr "" # $ret = false; # $message = __( 'Your subscription appears to no longer be valid. Please try to register again using a valid site key.', 'installer' ); # } msgid "Your subscription appears to no longer be valid. Please try to register again using a valid site key." msgstr "" # # $error_message = sprintf( __( "%s cannot update because your site's registration is not valid. Please %sregister %s%s again for this site first.", 'installer' ), # '' . $plugin_name . '', ''; # echo '

' . __( 'Update Plugin', 'installer' ) . '

'; # echo '
' . __( 'Return to the plugins page', 'installer' ) . ''; msgid "Update Plugin" msgstr "" # echo '

' . __( 'Update Plugin', 'installer' ) . '

'; # echo '' . __( 'Return to the plugins page', 'installer' ) . ''; # echo ''; msgid "Return to the plugins page" msgstr "" # echo '

' . # sprintf( _n( 'Your subscription expires in %d day.', 'Your subscription expires in %d days.', $days_to_expiration, 'installer' ), $days_to_expiration ) . # '
' . $message . msgid "Your subscription expires in %d day." msgstr "" # echo '

' . # sprintf( _n( 'Your subscription expires in %d day.', 'Your subscription expires in %d days.', $days_to_expiration, 'installer' ), $days_to_expiration ) . # '
' . $message . msgid "Your subscription expires in %d days." msgstr "" # echo esc_attr( sprintf( # __( "Something went wrong and we could not install all updates from the %s channel. Click here to %stry again%s. If the errors persist, please switch back to the Production channel and contact the %s%s support%s.", 'installer' ), # '%CHANNEL%', msgid "Something went wrong and we could not install all updates from the %s channel. Click here to %stry again%s. If the errors persist, please switch back to the Production channel and contact the %s%s support%s." msgstr "" # get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ) msgid "You are using a potentially less stable channel for %s. If you didn't enable this on purpose, you should switch to the 'Production' channel." msgstr "" # echo esc_attr( sprintf( # esc_attr__( "There was a problem switching to the %s channel. You can %sretry%s. If the problem continues, please %sdownload %s%s and install again manually", 'installer' ), # '%CHANNEL%', msgid "There was a problem switching to the %s channel. You can %sretry%s. If the problem continues, please %sdownload %s%s and install again manually" msgstr "" # style="display:none" > # # msgid "To select different update channels (beta, development) you must update your existing products to their most recent stable versions." msgstr "" # # # msgid "Updating the plugins on your site. Please don't close this page or navigate away." msgstr "" #

# # msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" # # #

msgid "Switch" msgstr "" #

# #

msgid "The plugins will update to the most recent version in the channel that you selected." msgstr "" # #  
# msgid "Remember my preference." msgstr "" # # msgid "Activate after download" msgstr "" #
# msgid "Operation complete!" msgstr "" # # # msgid "Download failed!\n\nClick OK to revalidate your subscription or CANCEL to try again." msgstr "" # # <?php esc_attr_e('Available', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Installed', 'installer') ?> msgid "Available" msgstr "" # <?php esc_attr_e('Available', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Installed', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Downloading', 'installer') ?> msgid "Installed" msgstr "" # <?php esc_attr_e('Installed', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Downloading', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Activate', 'installer') ?> msgid "Downloading" msgstr "" # <?php esc_attr_e('Downloading', 'installer') ?> # <?php esc_attr_e('Activate', 'installer') ?> # msgid "Activate" msgstr "" #
# #   msgid "Download" msgstr "" # # # msgid "Current" msgstr "" # # #   msgid "Released" msgstr "" # # # msgid "Download failed!\n\nPlease refresh the page and try again." msgstr "" # if(empty($args['repository']) || empty($args['package']) || empty($args['product'])){ # echo __('Incorrect setup', 'installer'); # return; msgid "Incorrect setup" msgstr "" # if(!$product){ # echo __('Invalid product', 'installer'); # return; msgid "Invalid product" msgstr "" # }else{ # echo __('Unknown repository', 'installer'); # return; msgid "Unknown repository" msgstr "" # if($subscription_type != $product['subscription_type'] && !$this->have_superior_subscription($subscription_type, $product) && $site_key){ # $subscription_no_match = sprintf(__(' Your current site key (%s) does not match the selected product (%s).', 'installer'), $site_key, $product['name']); # } msgid " Your current site key (%s) does not match the selected product (%s)." msgstr "" # # # msgid "Buy %s" msgstr "" #
# # # # msgid "Renew %s" msgstr "" # > # # msgid "Remove current site key (%s)" msgstr "" # #

# msgid "%s support on wpml.org" msgstr "" # disabled="disabled" # title="" # msgid "Site-key was set by %s, most likely in wp-config.php. Please remove the constant before attempting to register." msgstr "" # disabled="disabled" # title="" # msgid "Site-key was set by %s, most likely in wp-config.php. Please remove the constant before attempting to unregister." msgstr "" # > # #    msgid "Enter site key" msgstr "" # #

# msgid "Subscription is expired." msgstr "" # # # msgid "Add" msgstr "" # # data-confirmation="" # data-nonce="" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this site key?" msgstr "" # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com # $accountQuestion = $withSiteName( __( 'Do you have an account on %s?', 'installer' ) ); # $extendInfo = __( 'Great! You just need to extend your subscription.', 'installer' ); msgid "Do you have an account on %s?" msgstr "" # $accountQuestion = $withSiteName( __( 'Do you have an account on %s?', 'installer' ) ); # $extendInfo = __( 'Great! You just need to extend your subscription.', 'installer' ); # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com msgid "Great! You just need to extend your subscription." msgstr "" # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com # $extendAlternative = $withProduct( __( 'You have a %s account. You just need to extend your subscription.', 'installer' ) ); # $extendButton = __( 'Extend Subscription', 'installer' ); msgid "You have a %s account. You just need to extend your subscription." msgstr "" # $extendAlternative = $withProduct( __( 'You have a %s account. You just need to extend your subscription.', 'installer' ) ); # $extendButton = __( 'Extend Subscription', 'installer' ); # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com msgid "Extend Subscription" msgstr "" # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com # $discountQuestion = $withProduct( __( 'OK. You need to set up renewal for %s.', 'installer' ) ); # // translators: %1$s and %2$s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com msgid "OK. You need to set up renewal for %s." msgstr "" # // translators: %1$s and %2$s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com # $discountAlternative = $withProductTwice( __( 'You do not have a %1$s account yet. You need to set up a renewal for %2$s.', 'installer' ) ); # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com msgid "You do not have a %1$s account yet. You need to set up a renewal for %2$s." msgstr "" # // translators: %s replaced with wpml.org or toolset.com # $discountButton = $withProduct( __( 'Set Up Renewal For %s', 'installer' ) ); # $findAccountInfo = __( 'No worries. We can check that for you.', 'installer' ); msgid "Set Up Renewal For %s" msgstr "" # $discountButton = $withProduct( __( 'Set Up Renewal For %s', 'installer' ) ); # $findAccountInfo = __( 'No worries. We can check that for you.', 'installer' ); # $findAccountButton = __( 'Check', 'installer' ); msgid "No worries. We can check that for you." msgstr "" # $findAccountInfo = __( 'No worries. We can check that for you.', 'installer' ); # $findAccountButton = __( 'Check', 'installer' ); # $findAccountPlaceholder = __( 'Your Email Address', 'installer' ); msgid "Check" msgstr "" # $findAccountButton = __( 'Check', 'installer' ); # $findAccountPlaceholder = __( 'Your Email Address', 'installer' ); # msgid "Your Email Address" msgstr "" # href=""> # # msgid "I do not remember" msgstr "" # # $title = $withProduct( __( 'You are using an expired account of %s.', 'installer' ) ); # $into = __( 'It means you will not receive updates. This can lead to stability and even security issues.', 'installer' ); msgid "You are using an expired account of %s." msgstr "" # $title = $withProduct( __( 'You are using an expired account of %s.', 'installer' ) ); # $into = __( 'It means you will not receive updates. This can lead to stability and even security issues.', 'installer' ); # ?> msgid "It means you will not receive updates. This can lead to stability and even security issues." msgstr "" # $url = $model->productUrl . '/buy/'; # $linkMessage = __( 'Upgrade your account', 'installer' ); # $link = '' . esc_html( $linkMessage ) . ''; msgid "Upgrade your account" msgstr "" # $link = '' . esc_html( $linkMessage ) . ''; # $message = sprintf( __( 'You have an old Types-free subscription, which doesn\'t provide automatic updates. %s', 'installer' ), $link ); # ?> msgid "You have an old Types-free subscription, which doesn't provide automatic updates. %s" msgstr "" # #

' , ''); ?>

# msgid "This page lets you install plugins and update existing plugins. To remove any of these plugins, go to the %splugins%s page and if you have the permission to remove plugins you should be able to do this." msgstr "" # #
# msgid "Individual components" msgstr "" # #
# msgid "Click to see individual components options." msgstr "" # # $title = sprintf( __( 'Remember to remove %s from this website.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); # $into = sprintf( __( 'This site is using %s plugin, which is not paid for. After receiving a refund, you should remove this plugin from your sites. Using unregistered plugins means that you are not receiving stability and security updates and will ultimately lead to problems running the site.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); msgid "Remember to remove %s from this website." msgstr "" # $title = sprintf( __( 'Remember to remove %s from this website.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); # $into = sprintf( __( 'This site is using %s plugin, which is not paid for. After receiving a refund, you should remove this plugin from your sites. Using unregistered plugins means that you are not receiving stability and security updates and will ultimately lead to problems running the site.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); # $buyQuestion = __( 'Bought again?', 'installer' ); msgid "This site is using %s plugin, which is not paid for. After receiving a refund, you should remove this plugin from your sites. Using unregistered plugins means that you are not receiving stability and security updates and will ultimately lead to problems running the site." msgstr "" #

# productName ) ); ?> # # productName ); ?> # msgid "Register %s" msgstr "" # $registrationText = sprintf( # __( 'Enter the site key, from your %1$s account, to receive automatic updates for %2$s.', 'installer' ), # self::removeScheme( $model->productUrl ), msgid "Enter the site key, from your %1$s account, to receive automatic updates for %2$s." msgstr "" #
# # msgid "Site key" msgstr "" #
# # msgid "Get a key for this site" msgstr "" # > # productName ) ?> #   msgid "Unregister %s from this site" msgstr "" # > # # msgid "Check for updates" msgstr "" # data-repository="repoId ?>" # data-confirmation="" # data-nonce="removeSiteKeyNonce ?>" msgid "Are you sure you want to unregister?" msgstr "" # $message = $expires ? # sprintf( __( '%s is registered on this site. You will receive automatic updates until %s', 'installer' ), $model->productName, date_i18n( 'F j, Y', strtotime( $expires ) ) ) : # sprintf( __( '%s is registered on this site. Your Lifetime account gives you updates for life.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); msgid "%s is registered on this site. You will receive automatic updates until %s" msgstr "" # sprintf( __( '%s is registered on this site. You will receive automatic updates until %s', 'installer' ), $model->productName, date_i18n( 'F j, Y', strtotime( $expires ) ) ) : # sprintf( __( '%s is registered on this site. Your Lifetime account gives you updates for life.', 'installer' ), $model->productName ); # msgid "%s is registered on this site. Your Lifetime account gives you updates for life." msgstr "" # $message = $repository_id === 'wpml' # ? __( 'This site is registered on WPML.org as a development site.', 'installer' ) # : __( 'This site is registered on Toolset.com as a development site.', 'installer' ); msgid "This site is registered on WPML.org as a development site." msgstr "" # ? __( 'This site is registered on WPML.org as a development site.', 'installer' ) # : __( 'This site is registered on Toolset.com as a development site.', 'installer' ); # msgid "This site is registered on Toolset.com as a development site." msgstr ""